Cyst Removal Surgery Specialist
New York Hernia Center
General Surgeons & Advanced Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgeons located in Upper East Side, New York City, NY, Secauses, NJ, & Darien, CT
For patients dealing with uncomfortable cysts, the New York Hernia Center team offers the most advanced surgical options available. With convenient locations in Brooklyn, the Upper East Side, and the surrounding Metro area of New York City, as well as in Secauses, New Jersey, and Darien, Connecticut, the practice has a number of experienced surgeons available to help patients with their cyst removal surgery needs. For more information on your surgical options, call New York Hernia Center, or book an appointment online today.
Cyst Removal Surgery Q & A
What is a Cyst?
A cyst is a round structure under the skin or inside an organ, which is typically filled with liquid, a semisolid material. Cysts can be small or large. They can stay the same size or grow slowly over time. When cysts are infected and filled with pus, they are referred to as an abscess.
What Is a Pilonidal Cyst and a Pilonidal Sinus?
Pilonidal cysts, also known as Jeep Driver’s disease, are cysts that are located at the bottom of the tailbone or the upper part of the cleft between the cheeks of the buttocks. They can be painful when sitting for long periods of time and can become infected, which is called a pilonidal abscess. Pilonidal abscesses can appear firm and swollen with the surrounding skin becoming red and painful to touch. Typically these abscesses are treated with surgical incision and drainage to let out the pus and other debris from inside the infected cyst. This will usually allow the infection to clear, but the cut will not fully heal because the cyst has not been removed. This tract that is left from the skin into the cyst is called a Pilonidal sinus. A Pilonidal sinus is what is left of a Pilonidal cyst after it becomes infected and is surgically drained.
What is Cyst or Sinus Removal Surgery?
In order for the problem to completely resolve the cyst or sinus needs to be removed in its entirety. The cyst and any attached tissue will be sent to a pathologist so it can be looked at under a microscope so that any abnormal or cancerous cells are identified. If the cyst is small, once it has been removed the skin can be brought together with stitches. With a Pilonidal cyst or sinus, the surgery should cut out all of the involved tissue, including similar pores in the area that could develop into cysts in the future. This requires a larger resection and special techniques to use healthy skin in the area to close up the space over the tailbone. In this way, the surgical treatment should provide a lasting cure.
Insurance Plans
We accept all major insurance plans that provide members with out-of-network benefits. We participate with Medicare and 1199. We do not take Medicaid or any 3rd party managed Medicaid plans at this time. Please call our office for more information at (212) 203-2146.